Saturday, April 20, 2013

Part 4: Country Men Lend Me Your Ears

Okay, I know what you're thinking, EARS?!! Are you kidding me? No one can seriously write something interesting (much less funny) about ears. Well if you have enough time to waste on the subject anything can be funny. I never looked at other people's ears until I had all this free time. I just assumed all ears looked alike. I was wrong. So I've taken the opportunity to study the ears of movie stars, athletes, and basically anyone else on TV who has ears. To my surprise most people do. Have ears I mean.
Obviously when you think about ears, you think about human ears. If you do you'd be missing out on some of the most famous ears. There are several famous animated ears, Horton who heard a Who (who buys old cell phones), Mickey Mouse (who has the best phone service), Bugs Bunny (who's never called me on my cell phone), and of course Dumbo (who doesn't even own a cell phone).
If I even mention the word Dumbo what's the first thing that comes to your mind? Cell phones? No. That's right it's that Bambi's mother was killed by hunters. No, wait… that's wrong isn't it? It's Dumbo's mother who was killed by hunters. Wait, that's wrong to? Okay, I got it now. Dumbo was the one who thought he could fly. Wow, you talk about one messed up mutant mammal. So if I say the word Dumbo what's the first thing that comes to mind? That baby elephants should lay off the meth. You know what? I've completely lost my train of thought now. Whatever I was going to say about ears must not have been that funny. You're right, there's nothing funny to say about ears.

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